Shelter Island Beaches
Town Public Beaches
Crescent Beach (Lifeguards, comfort station)
Wades Beach (Lifeguards, comfort station)
Shell Beach (No Lifeguards)
Menhaden Lane Beach (Town Landing)
Fresh Pond (Town Landing)
To park at the beaches you must obtain a parking permit
Daily Permits: $25.00 (Only 10 per day will be issued. Available only for Wades Beach and Shell Beach.)
Weekly Permits: $50.00 (any 7 consecutive days)
Monthly Permits: $95.00 (any 31 consecutive days)
Seasonal Permits: $230.00 (Friday preceding observance of Memorial Day through Labor Day)
Parking Permits are available in the Town Clerk’s Office.
Here is a link Shelter Island Parking Permit Information

Shelter Island Park Map
Shelter Island Parks
1-Mildred Flower Hird Nature Preserve (30 acres) An oak and beech forest leads to views of Julia Dodd Creek from the western portion. The preserve is divided by Manhanset Road. Access: Island Way Rd., via Overlook Pl. Look for: Blue Herons.
2-Sylvester Manor Educational Farm (225 acres) Self-guided tours of main driveway and Manor House lawn, gardens, and shoreline. Saturdays and Sundays in July and August. All other times by appointment only. Call (631) 749-0626 (M-F) or email Access: Rt. 114. Look For: White Pine grove.
3-Gardiner’s Creek Preserve (4 acres) Enjoy views of Gardiner’s Creek, which connects to Dering Harbor. Access: Quail Hedge Lane (off Rt. 114). Look for: Wineberries.
4-Ice Pond Park (9 acres) Hike a short loop around a freshwater pond. There’s an adjacent marsh to the south and Chase Creek to the north. Access: New York Avenue. Look for: Snapping Turtles and Lesser Celandine.
5-Sachem’s Woods (24 acres) A mile plus loop winds through a forest of oak and beech. There’s a large pine in the center clearing. Access: N. Midway Road or Rt. 114. Look for: Wild Turkeys.
6-Cackle Hill Preserve (17 acres) A short trail winds through a coastal woods of mixed deciduous trees. Access: Stearns Point Road. Look for: Red-bellied Woodpeckers.
7-Crab Creek Preserve (12.6 acres) A mix of Pine grove, open meadow, and oak and beech woods that open to views of Crab Creek and Shelter Island Sound. Access: Brander Parkway (by Pine grove). Look for: Little Bluestem grass.
8-Dickerson Park (8 acres) Scenic, spring-fed pond with loop trail is surrounded by a large field with specimen trees. Access: Menantic Road. Look for: Swamp Mallows in August.
9-Shell Beach A half mile sand peninsula with numerous microecologies. Access: Oak Tree Lane (parking by permit only). Look For: Piping Plovers.
10-Dickerson Creek Overlook (1.2 acres) This small property has splendid views of Dickerson Creek, West Neck Harbor, and beyond. Access: Tarkettle Road and Charlie’s Lane. Look for: Common Terns.
11-Turkem’s Rest Preserve (6 acres) Trail encompasses tidal wetlands and a loop through an upland woods with views of Fresh Pond. Access: Midway Road. Look for: Ospreys.
12-Mashomack Preserve (2,039 acres) Owned and operated by The Nature Conservancy, this preserve is open 9am-5pm, March through September, and 9am-4pm, October through February. Closed Tuesdays, except in July and August when it is open 7 days. In January, the preserve is only open on weekends. Access: Rt. 114. Look for: Bluebirds and orange Butterfly Weed.
13-Taylor’s Island (1.5 acres) Historic SmithTaylor Cabin on a small island in Coecles Harbor. Phone (631) 749-1603 or email pat@taylorsisland. org for docent tour, May through Oct. Access: By kayak or shallow draft boat. (Town landings on Burns Rd. and Congdon Rd.) Look for: Horseshoe Crabs.
14-St. Gabriel’s Meadow (7.75 acres) Large open field near Coecles Harbor with pretty vistas. Access: Burns Road Look for: Ospreys and Hawks.
15-Nursery Woodlands Annex (24 acres) A former nursery with multiple loop trails that wind through unique, abandoned plant stock. Access: Rt. 114 or St. Mary’s Road. Look for: Box Turtles and Dawn Redwood trees.
16-Section 9/Dressel Preserve (42 acres) A coastal preserve dominated by Red Cedars and native grasses and shrubs. Access: Menhaden Lane (parking by permit only). Look for: Prickly Pear cactus.